Friday, January 1, 2010

I must have been out of my mind....2010

New Years is usually a time for reflection. You look at the past year full of accomplishments, hard-times, goals that you met, goals that fell short. And in all you look at how you can take everything from the past year, and make it better for the upcoming.
So many people slow down right now and look at themselves. I pretty much look at the past. And not the past year usually, but I mainly ask myself "What did I do last new years eve?". I think I will share some of those memories in the order in which I can remember them.
I remember being small with my sisters. And every year we would join the neighborhood kids at midnight and bang pots. I remember it being so much fun being out with pots, pans, and wooden spoons. We'd always make a party out of it though. We'd go to the gas station and get to buy some candy and soda. Then we'd come home with movies that we rented and watch them until it was time to go outside and start making noise. I would fall asleep sometimes, but there were some nights I didn't.
As time passed, my sisters got older and hung out with their friends on New Years. Me being the youngest would just sit at home with my dad. Usually playing a video game or watching Dick Clark's special in New York. I remember also turning on our Xmas lights right at midnight. It was silly, but I made sure they were off the whole night, and then on right at 12.
Another New Years I remember is not such a happy memory. I had made plans to go to a girls house I liked with my buddy Ryan. He also said he had some interest in her. But I can't remember what had happened, but an argument arose between my parents and I, resulting in me being grounded on New Years eve. I threw a fit the entire night. They told me they were taking me out of school and such. I remember feeling like my life was ending. I was also upset because the girl I wanted to kiss at midnight was sitting at her house, with my friend. Not me.
Now I will go into the more recent years.
2005/2006: I was working at the University Mall at this time working graveyards. I remember not being that upset that I had to work on New Years, which is odd. I'm not sure what I did prior to going to work, but at 10pm I clocked in and worked til the morning. I could hear fireworks and horns honking outside. All while I was alone in the University Mall.
2006/2007: I spent this New Years eve at a Trademark show. It was at Starry Night and I can't quite remember the other bands that were playing. The girlfriend at the time was Maddie. She was there with all her friends as well. It was oddly a good turn out for it being New Years and all. Lots of people were there. I also remember Tacia and I, along with someone else I can't place, went to Little Caesars to buy some pizza for us.
2007/2008: This year I spent with an entirely new group odf friends I had met. We were at Josh's house and it was him, David, Greco, and I. Christian wasn't there cause he had moved to Washington just a few days before. We were having a big get together and invited everyone over. But no one showed up. The only person who did show up was Zrinka, whom I was interested in at the time. There was an awful snow storm that people claimed was the reason they weren't coming to our New Years party, but it didn't stop them from going to others. We didn't really drink, we did here and there...but that was it. I remember the next day though, we were cleaning the kitchen and they were about to give me a ride home. Annoyed that I didn't get drunk the night before, I started pounding shot after shot of 99 Bananas. And before long, was sitting in the back seat drunk as could be.
2008/2009: I was living in Orem with Marin and David at the time. We planned to have a little get together with some friends. Christian wasn't there that night either, I can't remember why. He must have been with Ashley or something. But we invited some friends over. I believe it was Me, Mare, David, Greco, Tyson, Jordan, Kira, and Ambree. Mare and I went to pick up some pizza and drove around in the car for a bit while we called family and some friends wishing them a Happy New Year. We then returned home and Jordan had brought over a bunch of fireworks and such to light off at midnight which we did. We drank a little and then watched a movie and went to bed.
2009/2010: Now we are heading into the new decade. Lots of things have changed. But a lot is still the same. I need to work on my bad habits, and bettering my life. Getting out of negative routines and working hard to get where I want to be in life. Put my passions first, and stop giving in to things that are present but not fulfilling. It's going to be an interesting year to say the least. But I'm ready for it. I don't expect it to be easier. I expect it to be much harder.

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