Obviously I have none. Good thing? Bad thing? I would guess that it depends on the issue. But let me tell you what made me think of this. Last night I had to do one of those emergency loads of laundry. The ones where you need to go to sleep but you need clothes to wear the next day. So you put on a load and sleep deprive yourself in order to stay up and change out the laundry so it will be ready by morning. Now I was on my last load in the washing machine. It was on the spin cycle. It was a very small load (2 shirts) so I figured it didn't need to spin for 10 mins. I hit the pause cancel button and it stops. But the machine refuses to unlock the door because the cycle was never completed. So I set the cycle to drain and click start. It starts up. If I would have just waited for maybe a minute or two more, I would have been able to get to bed sooner. But my impatience for the machine to end made me sit there for another 20 minutes while it did a spin and drain cycle. Patience.....non-existent.
I have a pair of Sevens jeans that I have worn for the past year. They are hella comfortable, worn in, and simply make my butt look good. And thats a plus for a dudes butt to look good in
jeans....isnt it? Doesnt happen often right? I dont know. I'm not checkin out other dudes rear ends. That was more intended for a female perspective. But my jeans have over time developed a hole in the crotch. Once a small hole has now become a massive canyon of denim and boxer briefs. But yet I continue to wear the jeans, even if they do show off my wonderfully sculpted testicles......*crickets*......because I love them.
You know how people who drive big, jacked up trucks think they own the road and drive fast and treat cars around them like they are insignificant? Well one of those truck drivers got what was coming to him today. Flipped his travel trailer on the interstate blocking off all lanes and making me late to work. Was I upset though? Not at all. No one got hurt. But the truck and trailer suffered damage. And you could tell this young buck was definitely one of those pricks who you would encounter taking up three parking spots at Wal*Mart.
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