Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Into the Wild

So lately I have been depressed about going to work. I haven't felt like me spending 8 hours in a call center is doing good for anyone. Especially myself. And what pains me is that this right here, is my life. This is my chance to do anything that I want to do. And at this moment I have chosen to work in a call center and be committed to working so someone upstairs can get paid. It doesn't feel right to me.
The people who call in want only one thing. Money. They are calling me complaining about money, or why they were charged something, or soemthing along those lines. And it seems evil. Like pure evil. Now I am not a religious person at all. But the bible was correct when it said money is the root of all evil.
I hate the fact that I am being punished sometimes for being 30 seconds late according to a computer. We are humans and things come up and we work on our own clock. But all of us are constantly running around trying to make our bodies arrive at some place at a specific time. And with my job, if I clock in 1 minute late, I get threatened to lose my job because it has happened too often.
Now I know you can say, "Well you need to start being more responsible." And that is true. I could get to work earlier and such and do the things I need to do to make myself arrive on time. But with my life, I have a lot of unexpected things come up. A car that doesn't run well, money to put gas in my car to arrive on time, taking care of loved ones around me. Lots of different unexpected things. But honestly, my 30 second tardy wont effect the company at all.
Its come to the point where I honestly believe we are trying to turn ourselves from being people into machines. A well oiled machine that doesn't skip a beat. But that isn't how we are. Our situations are always changing. We are never running the same. Our idle speed changes, when we push on the gas for weeks at a time we eventually burn out. We are not perfect.
When we are kids we have all these dreams. We want to be a million different things and do a million different things. But eventually as we grow up, we are forced to believe in a behavior that is probably the worst thing ever.
We begin to believe that those dreams are JUST dreams. They can never be a reality. We begin to settle in believing that they will never happen. But that is the most awful behavior ever. People who settle in relationships because they dont believe they deserve better. People who settle with their job because they don't try to get that promotion or chase what will make them truly happy. People who settle to be treated awful by others because they believe they deserve it.
What can we do to make us truly happy. Why are we told constantly to chase our dreams but we never do. Your destiny is effected in each moment you take action or don't take action. Transform your life today with each moment you take charge of. Make a difference in your life. Get unstuck!
Get unstuck from that abusive physical or verbal relationship you are in. Get unstuck from that dead end job that you go to everyday knowing that you are not happy doing.

Everyone has a story to tell on why they can't do something. We are so excited to tell those stories. I'm done with telling mine. I'm done with listening to yours.


Anonymous said...

couldn't agree more Dan!

mars said...

I think you would appreciate this:
