Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's about what to do with the time that has been given to you!

So not much blogging. Yea, I hate it. I honestly do. But it really is true what they say. Once you have a kid your entire life is suddenly devoted to them. If I am not at work, I am either cooking dinner, cleaning, while Kristine holds/feeds him or vice versa. Quite the interesting turn of events. But alas, it is amazing. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I love the kid to death. It's almost overwhelming when I actually think about it.

What I find crazy is how suddenly I have every single fear of a new parent. I fear the craziest, most random, and sometimes down right absurd things. I notice things that I never noticed in the world. I had a friend who said once "If you want to see the world differently, do shrooms. It will never be the same after that." I never took his advice, but if you don't want to do drugs, have a kid. It ALSO changes your view on things and suddenly you see things different;y than before. I used to think that if I had a kid, how could I handle the crying? I have 11 nieces and nephews. And whenever they cry or get loud I literally cannot stand it and have to go to a different room. With all children it is like that. If a kid is crying at a restaurant or being rowdy in a public area, I want to smack them and say "Shut the hell up!" or tell their parents to get the hell out of here. It's a patience thing. Then, I have a kid. And suddenly, I have patience. I can listen to him cry about being hungry or just down right fussy and it doesn't effect me the way that it once did. It's quite.....indescribable in so many aspects how different you become after having a child. In so many good ways though. None of them are bad. At least I don't think.

One of the most amazing things about giving birth to a child is the flood of emotions. And calling it a flood is even an understatement. The second I saw him, and heard him cry......shit. I bawled my eyes out. I tried to hold it in. Didn't help. I'll even let you into a more personal moment. It was so overwhelming how much love and emotion you suddenly feel, that I walked out to grab my parents who were in the waiting room and pulled my mom aside and just leaned into her and let it all out. Could not control it. I felt like I had been carrying a semi truck all day. I was just so overwhelmed with joy, and so many other unexplainable emotions, that I just let it all out onto her shoulder. Which I believe was also the best person ever to have done that too. Crying over my child being born into the arms of the amazing woman who brought me into the world. I am so much bigger than my mom in physical size, but at that moment, I felt small. I felt safe. It was amazing.

Didn't really think you were going to be reading a big ole sappy blog now did ya? Who knew this asshole had feelings and emotions like this eh? Well I'm honest. And never ashamed to share my life with you all.

But it's hard at the same time. Being a parent is definitely a new experience and one I will continue to have every day for the rest of my life. Quite a remarkable and fantastic year this is turning out to be. One of the hardest I have ever encountered, and not just because of the baby. But I am definitely excited for what's to come.

On a final note, I will try to blog more. And I know I have said that in the last few blogs, but shit, give me a break. Haha I want to, I really do. I just have to find the time. I'll try to sneak a post in here as much as I can.


See ya!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Well snap out of it! What, a hot older women made you feel her cans? Stop crying like a little girl.

Fuck. Don't give me any shit for not posting in a long time because I know that I haven't posted. Has life been busy? Shit no. I'm just that lazy and got better things to do with my time. Actually, that isn't true now is it? Oh well. Anywho, things are getting much different over here. So a few months have past since my last post. Let's catch you up to speed. The lady and I finally moved and got ourselves into an apartment. Pretty much right in across the street from where she was living with her parents. But that is how it has been. Our roommates are her sister and the sisters boyfriend. We don't like our upstairs neighbors and have had shit tons of issues with them and their dumb ass children stomping around and running too much. And the biggest news of all, I am going to be a dad. Well, a father. Or something. Right now we don't know. We don't know if we are going to be giving it up or keeping it. I guess you will find out eventually. I work at a place called PMI where we offer coaching for people who want to start their own internet or real estate business. So far the sales haven't really equaled out to what I was expecting. But I am still only in my 2nd month of employment. So that's how it goes. I'm currently sitting at open mic at High Point for yet another time in my life. Nothing I am particularly stoked on. There is something about sitting at a place where every Saturday for the past year the same old people have come to play songs that they don't progress at or write newer songs. Not to mention the covers can be just god awful.

Im struggling in getting into any sort of topic here. Seems a lot more like just rambling than anything of any importance. It's quite a turning point in the life right now. There are very few instances in life where you can sit and actually have the time to think about your next move in life and have the control to think out a huge life altering situation. Something you shouldn't take for granted either.

Here's something that I will go into though. I have had many friends over the years that I have never met. People that I establish relationships with whom I have met through some form of social network and kept up those friendships even with the lack of hang outs, meet-ups, etc. Many people that I consider friends and that they even consider myself a friend. I was talking with my best friend about this the other night. Recently he has asked to be set up with girls that I know, and I have given him numbers of girls I haven't talked to in a while, but in their conversation he states getting their number from me. Instantly the girls trust my friend and feel comfortable about speaking to him, because they trust me and have that respect of friendship and feeling of comfort. Not the normal feel you get from when a stranger randomly texts you saying "WHAT UP!".

In 2008 I began getting people mentioning me on Twitter. I saw that these two kids continually were talking to me about things I posted and even included me in their internet webisode they film in Washington, while I am in Utah. To this day, one of the kids is still someone I speak to on a daily basis whether it be on Twitter, texting, on the phone, or Facebook. Kind of interesting how through these social networks true friendships have been created.

The other day at work we were all talking about people who don't like talking on the phone, only like to text or IM each other. The new generation with all this technology is going to have serious communication problems. It's definitely a changing world. I wonder how exactly things will be in ten years. (My little boy will be ten years old....weird to think about.)

Anywho, I know this blog lacked a good decent flow. But even though I say this almost every time I post, I will try to maintain this blog with more than the usual random updates and try to put it in more daily, weekly, or shit....let's be real and say monthly. But with the pregnancy and all, I am going to try for more than monthly and go for at LEAST weekly.

We'll see how long that lasts....

Fuck off bitches!